Plank Party Workout

Planks are one of the most effective ways to target our core muscles (abdominals and lower back muscles). Make sure when you are doing planks to keep that core nice and tight! Think about drawing your belly button to your spine or imagine there is an ice cube that never melts sitting on your belly.

If you are new to planks, I suggest starting off by working up to the 45 seconds per exercise. Start with 15 seconds each and as your body gets stronger, add more seconds each time you try the workout.


Plank Party

Regular Plank (off hands or on elbows) - 45 seconds

15 second rest

Plank with Lateral Toe Taps - 45 seconds

15 second rest

Plank with Shoulder Taps - 45 seconds

15 second rest

Mountain Climbers - 45 seconds

15 second rest

Spidermans - 45 seconds

15 second rest

Crush It. Be Well.